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Athena Faculty Blog

Sunday, May 1, 2011; @ 12:47 AM;



I think everyone has noticed the plastic sheets on class bench right?
Just in case anyone is wondering, it's to prevent bird shit.
seriously, i'm not joking.
On Monday mornings, when we return to school there will be some white/black patches of.. suspected bird shit.
So, these plastic sheets enable us to wipe it off cleanly and also deters birds from shitting.
I quote SzeChuen "When birds see white, they'd think that it's their shit so they'll avoid it. It's like how you don't want to be standing in your own shit when u want to shit".
And guess what, it has proven to be effective. I have not seen a single shit on our class bench. Have you?
I'll be replacing the sheets every month or more(if they are still in good shape) so please take care of them.
That's all about the plastic sheets.

Faculty outing is coming up, so everyone, please take care of yourself. Don't fall sick ah, if not cannot enjoy yourself.
Also, jiayou to the remaining people with SYFs and comps! And to the huang cheng peeps, hope you guys put up a good show for today's final performance :D
posted by Chun Mei